When Things Go Wrong — Hotheaded Business Owners by Benjamin Pratt

Hotheaded Business Owners by Benjamin Pratt_advice_entrepreneurship_how_to
See the video interview on Youtube here


When Things Go Wrong — Hotheaded Business Owners by Benjamin Pratt


“There are some people that will be ‘hot heads’ until the day they die. I mean, they will be screaming and shaking their fists at the heavens as they are being lowered into the ground.”


Benjamin Pratt: From time to time, you are going to have really, really bad days and it can really throw you for a loop. Sometimes it’s tough to get back on the horse. Depending on what it is that happened. Maybe you lost a big client? Maybe you found out that a client that you thought was loyal to you, wasn’t quite as loyal to you…(more here)




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